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The AcademyWhere Learning Begins... and Scholars Attend

Preschool Curriculum

Our Preschoolers Extra-Curricular Activities
We offer a detailed curriculum for our children.  To find out more, call or email us for an appointment.

Get Ready To Learn!

At The Academy, we understand choosing the right preschool for your child is an important and exciting decision. You want to feel confident you're choosing a preschool that focuses on learning, yet appreciates the importance of fun. A place that encourages your child's development, but doesn't make him grow up too fast. You want an environment where he can make friends and share the joy of learning with other children. You want a true partner who keeps you actively involved. And, most importantly, you want your child to be cared for by teachers who keep him safe, make sure he's loved and nurture his individual personality and unique abilities. The Academy is such a preschool. For years now, we've inspired the wonder of learning in young children and laid the foundation for lifelong success in school.

You won't see our preschool teachers standing in front of the classroom telling children the answers or helping them memorize letters and numbers. Instead, you'll see a classroom where children are allowed to discover things independently, at their own pace and in their own unique way. This helps your child become an enthusiastic learner who is self-confident and inquisitive.

The daily activities we plan for our preschoolers, the educational toys and learning materials we select, the way our teachers interact with the children, even the arrangement of our classrooms all encourage children to be creative thinkers, eager explorers and inventive problem-solvers.

Social and emotional development.
Children who feel good about themselves and their ability to learn have the confidence they need to explore new situations. Getting along with others is a skill children will always need. Talking about new ideas with other children and adults actually increases their understanding.

Approach to learning.
The way children approach learning is just as important as what they learn. Children who develop a postitive approach to learning are curious, work independently, stay with difficult tasks, listen attentively, understand what is being said to them, follow through and take pride in a job well done.

Language development.
Children learn language by listening to it, trying it out for themselves, putting words together to express themselves and responding to the people around them. Children who see that language is a tool for both communication and enjoyment quickly acquire and expand it.

Physical well-being and motor development.
Exercise and physical activity help children improve their motor skills and keep them healthy. Fine motor activities, like tracing, drawing and cutting develop fine motor control needed for writing and many daily school activities.

General knowledge.
Children are naturally curious about the world around them. They learn by personal observation, through their senses and through interaction with teachers and parents. Children who are encouraged to discover themselves and the world around them become inquisitive learners.


Here at The Academy

  • Teachers provide meaningful activities that challenge children to develop new skills.

  • Children are able to successfully complete activities so they gain self-confidence and a love of learning.

  • Teachers maintain a safe, healthy environment and carefully supervise the children.

  • Teachers plan a balanced schedule that doesn’t rush or fatigue the children.

  • Teachers nurture language and communication by talking with children, listening to their responses and providing opportunities for children to talk with each other.

  • Teachers plan curriculum that engages children.

  • Teachers help children get the most out of every learning situation by asking questions, offering suggestions and adding new challenges as children become ready.

  • Teachers set guidelines about acceptable social behavior.

  • Teachers read to the children every day, encourage them to talk about what happened and relate the story to activities in the classroom or at home.

  • Educational materials and toys are accessible to children.

  • You hear more children’s voices than teacher’s voices.


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Copyright © 2000 The Academy -Performing Arts Preschool
Last modified: December 10, 2000