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The Academy
Privacy Policy
All information obtained by The Academy concerning The Academy customers or
prospective customers is kept strictly confidential, whether it is collected over the
Internet or by any other means. This includes, but is not limited to, all records or
documents parents provide to The Academy when enrolling their child in a The Academy Child
Care Center. |
Information pertaining to The Academy customers or prospective customers will not be
discussed or provided to anyone except as required by law (such as with a properly issued
subpoena or to outside agencies such as Child Protective Services). Should an outside
agency request information about a customer, such information shall be provided only after
obtaining approval from The Academy's Legal Department. |
Information concerning the care of a child shall only be discussed with the child's
parents and those authorized personnel directly responsible for the child's care. All The
Academy employees are required to exercise discretion when engaged in conversations
involving confidential information. |

The Academy
