Want to compare other centers to The Academy?
Use this handy Quality Checklist. |
Learning & Nurturing |
Academy |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Are teachers specially trained for the age they teach? |
Are teachers loving and responsive? |
Are play and caregiving routines viewed as opportunities for learning? |
Is there daily communication about your child's day? |
Do toys and materials offer interesting and challenging activities
appropriate for your child's age? |
Is there a written, planned program you can see in action? |
Are groups small enough to provide young children the attention they
need? |
Are there positive methods of discipline and realistic expectations for
children of this age? |
Health & Safety |
The Academy |
Center 1 |
Center 2 |
Center 3 |
Is the center licensed? |
Is the building safe, clean, and well maintained? |
Are doors secured with electronic keypads? |
Are sick children who are contagious kept at home? |
Are immunizations required? |
Are toys sanitized daily? |
Do teachers wash hands after diapering and eating? |
Do teachers supervise sufficiently when children are socializing? |
Are you allowed to visit your child anytime you want? |
Are sleeping and eating schedules personalized for your child? |
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School Age
Checklist |